Thursday 1 May 2014

About Kenshen Productions

Kenshen Productions is an amateur video production team made out of Kenneth and his multiple personalities. The beginning of K.Productions traces back all the way to 2009 with my first full feature film which was an adaptation of the Japanese hit movie "Crows Zero". Under the banner of Penang Crows Studios, I continued to make short films and music videos with a bunch of friends. (Click here to view the full list of videos by Penang Crows Studios).

One of the many short videos by Penang Crows Studios

In August 2011, I made my very first transformers stop motion video, Transformers Light of the Moon Episode 1. Initially the series was planned to be a one-off with only 3 episodes. During post production, it was extended to 4 episodes to keep each video below 10 minutes. Due to the encouraging response to the series, Episode 5 Blackout Attacks was made before a 4 month hiatus.

The iconic chase scene in Episode 3

I am largely inspired by other stop-motion youtubers such as Patrick Boivin, Counter656, Jordan Tseng and our very own Malaysian, Harris Loureiro. Though my videos are no where as good as theirs, I still hope it is adequate to be entertaining.

The series continued in February 2012 with another installment of 4 episodes. While the first 5 episodes were based on Earth, the second "season" was targeted to be more of a background story, telling the history of Cybertron and how Optimus Prime came to be. Season 2 ended in May and Season 3 did not come out for another 7 months.

Megatron and Orion facing the Cybertronian High Council in Episode 9

In between the seasons, K.Productions made figure reviews as well as music videos on various genres. Finally in January 2013, Season 3 arrived in what many claimed to be the best season yet. Featuring another 4 episodes of Cybertronian history, this installment focused more on character development of individual transformers.

Grimlock and the combiner Bruticus Maximus battling it out in the Battle of Tygar Pax

Due to a hectic 2013, the transformers series was put on hold for an entire year but is finally back with Episode 15: War . A considerable improvement in graphics can be seen due to the usage of Adobe After Effects in post production. (To know more about the software and gadgets I used for stopmotion, click here . )

Breakdown engaging Perceptor in Episode 15

The basic storyline of Episode 16-18 has already been identified and Episode 16 is currently in pre-production. For a full list of all the transformers episodes so far, click here.

This blog will be a platform for latest news, videos, hauls and anything I can think of. It will also serve as a mainpage for all things related to Kenshen Productions. It will be broken down to 5 main labels:

Wiki - Archived information
News - Voice over auditions, new hauls, timeline, tutorials
Videos - Video links
Reviews - Pictorial or video of figures/movies/events.
Others - Random ramblings and things that don't fit anywhere else

Post related to this labels can be assessed by clicking the tags at the end of each post or at the side bar.

For now enjoy my latest video, Transformers Stop Motion Episode 15 :)

Stay tuned!

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Episode links
Timeline (under construction)
Tutorial (under construction) 


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Transfans Malaysia

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